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 TRIO New Mexico Seeking is

Nominations For the 2022-2023 TRIO NM Executive Board 

TRIO New Mexico will be accepting nominations prior to the 2022 Annual Conference for the officers of the  2022-2023 TRIO New Mexico Executive Board.

We are currently seeking candidacy for:

  • President-Elect (3-year term)
  • Secretary (2-year term) 

Criteria and descriptions for each position are listed below.


The President-Elect serves with the same powers as the President in the event that the President becomes incapacitated or resigns. The President-Elect serves as “President in Training.” The priorities of this office include co-leading fundraising efforts with Past-President and responding to COE issues. The President-Elect is a 3-year term/commitment. The President Elect will serve in the position of President Elect (year 1), President (year 2) and Past President (year 3).

  • Should have been an active member in the TRIO New Mexico Association for at least one year.
  • Must have secured a verbal authorization or a letter of support from his/her program director and from institutional administration within 24 hours of being elected to the board.

Principal Responsibilities:

  • Attend Executive Board orientation and meetings throughout the year
  • Serve on Executive Board and subcommittees as assigned by President
  • Attend SWASAP Board Orientation and additional board meetings, serving as state liaison
  • Represent the President as needed
  • Assist the President and committee chairs in achieving their goals
  • Plan for up-coming year’s activities
  • Actively contribute to and participate in all Executive Board activities/discussions

    Ceremonial Responsibilities:

    • Attend COE Policy Seminar
    • Attend State Conference
    • Attend SWASAP Conference


    The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Association meetings and provide copies of the minutes to all active Association members. Attend SWASAP Board Orientation and additional board meetings, serving as state liaison. At the end of each term, the Secretary shall provide the new Secretary with prior records.

    Principle Responsibilities:

    • Provide copies of the minutes in electronic or paper to the active membership
    • Take minutes of the Association business meetings and provide a copy to the executive board within 10 business days of a meeting
    • Maintain minutes on Association on electronic archive, database  or other drive
    • Maintain committee rosters

    Ceremonial Responsibilities:

    • Attend State Conference
    • Attend SWASAP Conference

      Please contact the following individuals with questions: 

      Trese Collins:

      Kind Regards,

      2022 Conference Committee
      TRIO New Mexico Association

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